Selectable Security EnginesSelectable detecting and monitoring engines including Vulnerability, Threats, Wireless, Users and Snmp for best compatibility with network security and customer needs. |
 Security Mapping ViewsGraphical hyperbolic mapping of network security topology including activity, vulnerability, threats and protected nodes diagrams with search and trace capabilities. |
 Security Performance ViewsGraphical network security threats statistics monitoring including Unicasts, Multicasts and Broadcasts of top ten network nodes or specific selected node performance. |
 Network Nodes MonitoringMonitoring and mapping display of network nodes including their activity, vulnerability and threats bars, search and filtering capabilities and detailed security information. |
 Network Protection MonitoringMonitoring and mapping display of network protected nodes including their protection status, blocking time and blocking reason with search and filtering capabilities. |
 Intrusion Detection ProtectionIntrusion detection IDS provides access to detection settings including New and Changed end-user properties, Threatened nodes and linkup WMI and script properties. |
 Intrusion Prevention ProtectionIntrusion prevention IPS provides access to prevention settings including nodes blocking notification, built-in network and scripts prevention and schedule properties. |
 Detection and Prevention AlertsNetwork detection and prevention alerts provide access to security protection messages including intrusion detection and prevention of nodes that may damage the network. |
 Multiple Viewers SupportUnlimited remote software viewers can be installed for multiple network administrators and operators for online intrusion detection and prevention of network security. |
 Users Viewing PermissionsSelectable viewing permissions can be set on software remote viewers for multiple network administrators and operators to control network management activities. |
 Database Export CapabilitiesExport database capabilities using standard HTML or SQL for convenient API to security collection information including intrusion detection and prevention events and alerts. |
 Network Security MethodsSelectable network segments protection monitoring and mapping options including multiple network adapters and 802.1Q VLAN support with specific nodes exclude list. |
 Network Alerts ForwardingSelectable forwarding alerts methods for multiple recipients including MAPI or SMTP emails, SNMP traps and SYSLOG messages for convenient network management. |
 Daily/Weekly Alerts ReportsEmail reports including daily and weekly alerts details, network security information and protected nodes details for authorized network managers and administrators. |