Protection Dashboard SummaryProtected wireless computers dashboard including total successful, unreachable, failed and unknown computers protection events and current software activity monitoring status. |
 Scanning Monitor ViewScan monitoring view of protected computers including disabled wireless and endpoint devices upon wired connection and optional management and security capabilities. |
 Activity Logging ReportsReal-time activity logging reports for network security and management administration of disabled wireless and endpoint devices from wired docked protected computers. |
 Automatic Actions CapabilitiesAutomatic actions options including email messages, syslog notifications and windows execution command upon receiving specific event notification from protected computers. |
 Automatic Export CapabilitiesAutomatic exporting capabilities for text files and windows SQL/Access ODBC database including protected endpoint devices events and current protection status. |
 Remote Control ViewerRemote control viewer option that provides management administration interface from remote sites including optional selection of administration permissions. |
 Events Removal OptionsProvide automatic notification and protection events removal options for management and administration of the collected events on network organization protected computers. |
 Unstoppable Protection ServiceProvide optional unstoppable client protection service mode to prevent computer local administrators from stopping the protection service and keep it running constantly. |
 Auto Delete Clients OptionProvide optional automatic deletion of inactive clients after specific number of days from the software database to prevent the software from using extra licenses on inactive clients. |
 DHCP Release OptionProvide automatic DHCP release option before disabling protected wireless devices to help reclaim new wireless adapters IP addresses when the wireless devices are re-enabled. |
 Client Notification MessageProvide automatic editable client notification message that will be displayed when wireless and endpoint devices disabled upon wired connection on the protected computers. |
 Auto Discovery ScanningAutomatic computers discovery and scanning options for active auto switching protection of network computers from domain, workgroup or IP addresses range. |
 Exclude IP AddressesProvide editable exclude list of IP addresses ranges that prevent from specific wired LAN/Ethernet network addresses to disable wireless and endpoint devices on protected computers. |
 Multiple Redundant ServersProvide multiple redundant servers option for clients protection service installation on distributed environment including first available or first responsive server options. |
 Server Administration PermissionsProvide optional server administrations permissions that enable to control the monitor console operations and viewing options that will be available for specific system administrators. |