Protection Dashboard SummaryProtected computers dashboard including total successful, unreachable, failed and unknown computers secure burning permissions and software activity management status. |
 Scanning Monitor ViewScan monitoring view of all protected computers including currently installed burning permissions on each computer and optional management and security capabilities. |
 Secure Burning ReportsReal-time secure burning and configuration changes reports for currently installed protected computers administration management including exporting and printing capabilities. |
 Automatic Actions CapabilitiesAutomatic actions options including windows execution command, email and SYSLOG message upon receiving specific event notification from protected computers. |
 Automatic Export CapabilitiesAutomatic exporting capabilities for text files and windows SQL/Access ODBC database including protected computers burning and configuration changes events. |
 Remote Control ViewerRemote control viewer option that enable secure burning management administration from remote sites including optional selection of administration permissions. |
 Events Removal OptionsProvide automatic removal of burning and configuration changes events for management and administration of the collected events on network organization protected computers. |
 Unstoppable Protection ServiceProvide optional unstoppable client burning protection service mode to prevent computer administrators from stopping the secured protection service and keep it running constantly. |
 Burn Multisession OptionProvide burning multisession option that enables to add files and folders to previously burned media with optional selection of location and users on the selected burning device. |
 Burn Size LimitProvide burning size limit option that enables to limit the maximum total file size in each burning to specific value with optional selection of location and users on the selected burning device. |
 Auto Discovery ScanningAutomatic computers discovery and scanning options for active secure burning protection of network computers including domain, workgroup or IP addresses range. |
 Multiple Redundant ServersProvide multiple redundant servers option for clients protection service installation on distributed environment including first available or first responsive server. |
 Server Administration PermissionsProvide optional server administration permissions that enable to create and control the management operations that will be available for specific system administrators. |